– Co znaczyły te buty na początku?
– Ja myślę, że ona była na jakimś rozdrożu…
zasłyszane po jednym ze spektakli
-What did those shoes at the beginning mean?
-I think that she was on some kind of crossroads…
-heard after one of the performances
– Ej! Dobre! Wreszcie wiem, co mam grać!
zasłyszane po przeczytaniu recenzji z własnego spektaklu
-Oh! Good! Finally I know what to play!
heard after reading after one of the reviews
-Codzienne picie nie prowadzi do alkoholizmu, tylko do zawodowstwa!
zasłyszane bardzo późną nocą w Klubie Festiwalowym
-Drinking everyday doesn’t lead to alcoholism, but to professionalism!
heard very late at night in Festival’s Club
Translator’s workshop: Translator’s life at 4 a.m. can be difficult. I translated the sentence from Julita Różak’s review: ‘Everything goes very quickly’ and made a mental note to tell the author about the lack of logic in this sentence. It was then at 9 o’clock when I saw that the sentence read: ‘everything goes not too quickly’. The paper was already in print, we couldn’t change it. Sorry.
Krzysztof Puławski